52 Flower Mandalas or a Cup of Coffee?


Thousands of you have been enjoying my Flower Mandala images for years. More than 1,000 have downloaded my free 15 Flower Mandalas screensaver. Many have also asked, “When are you going to finish that book?”

Well, the answer depends, in large part, on you.

First, thanks to those of you who have already contributed to my Flower Mandalas Project on Kickstarter.com.

To the rest of my Flower Mandalas fans, I ask you to help with this project.

Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing proposition. If the goal is not met by September 14th, no money changes hands. But if all of you contribute just $1.50 each (for which you would get the new, limited-to-Kickstarter-contributors 52 Flower Mandalas screensaver), the project will reach its goal before the fundraiser ends on September 14th. If — no, when — that happens, I will strive to get the book done before my 61st birthday in March, 2012.

To paraphrase the NPR fund drives we all love to hate, “$1.50. About the price of a cup of coffee. Are the Flower Mandalas you’ve been looking at all these months worth $1.50? We think so.”

So do I! I hope you do, too.

Thanks. See you in cyberspace,

– David

David J. Bookbinder, LMHC

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