And now (drum roll) . . .
The Art of Balance Basic Training course is live, and your enrollment in it is free!
Thanks for hanging in with me, loyal readers. If you’ve watched the YouTube videos, you’ve already seen part of the course, but now you can get lifetime access at no cost.

But there’s much more to the Art of Balance system.
Mastering the Art of Balance: Stay Sane in an Insane Word is the magnum opus — the full Art of Balance training. It includes everything in the Basic Training and then takes you further.
The course consists of three and a half hours of video lectures, as well as dozens of downloadable resources that enhance your learning. You’ll get worksheets for building your personalized Art of Balance system, handouts and cheat sheets that expand on lecture content, video and written examples of how to apply the Art of Balance steps and techniques to your life, as well as transcripts and MP3 files of all the video lectures.
It’s been more than a year in the making and distills two decades of knowledge gleaned from my work with therapy and coaching clients into one easy-to-digest package.
For this initial sign-up period, enrolling in Mastering the Art of Balance also entitles you to:
- Free membership in The Balance Lab mastermind, a regular live Zoom meeting moderated by me
- A free one-hour coaching session with me
- Reduced rates on any future coaching sessions
- A free copy of the companion self-help book The Art of Balance: Staying Sane in an Insane World
- Ongoing updates and bonuses that won’t appear anywhere else in the Art of Balance universe
- And, you can email me personally as you work your way through the course and master the Art of Balance.
The coaching session alone normally costs more than half the price of the course.
Mastering the Art of Balance: Stay Sane in an Insane World

Copyright 2021, David J. Bookbinder
Online Courses:
Mastering the Art of Balance: Stay Sane in an Insane World
Art of Balance Basic Training: Stay Sane in an Insane World
The Art of Balance: Staying Sane in an Insane World
Paths to Wholeness: Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas