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Breaking news! I’ve been finding out more from clients and colorists about coloring and it’s meditative qualities and will write another post on that soon, but some time-sensitive events are happening with 52 Flower Mandalas. Before I get to those events, though, here are two more completed illustrations from colorist C.G. Lynee, which she entitled “Arbor” and “Naos”:
And now, the news. First, the coloring book is live on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other online booksellers. Those who preordered should be getting your books within the next day or two. NOTE: It would be very helpful if you wrote a brief review on, Barnes and Noble, (or even better, post the review in multiple places). We think this is a uniquely interesting book and hope you will, too.
And, we have created raffles for several copies on and These will be available for the next few days. Enter now to win a copy of 52 Flower Mandalas.
Some links:
Create a review or buy the book on
Create a review or enter the giveaway on Goodreads:
Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway:
Our Diversion Books page:
Download a full-resolution coloring book sampler: Mandala index.pdf
And last, but very far from least, here are two more completed illustrations by C.G. Lynee, “Chrysalis” and “Titanides.” You can all view the completed drawings colorists have sent me so far, or post your own, on the Colorist Gallery page:
– David