The Cast of Characters

NOTE: I’ve been working with an illustrator on the characters in my forthcoming book on balance and thought you might be interested in what we’ve developed. Here’s the cast of characters and a brief introduction to them.

Know thy self, know thy enemy.
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

This is a book about balance: What disrupts it, what restores it, and how to keep it going.

It is also a story, and like any story, it has a cast of characters.

Some are friends and fellow travelers. Some are enemies. In the pages of this book you will come to know them well. But first, some introductions.




We are the heroes of this saga, an epic battle not only for balance but literally for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.




The villain in our story is the nefarious UnBalancer.

UnBalancer is a fearsome and sometimes deadly force. It strives single-mindedly to unseat us, and sometimes it wins the battle – but not, as we’ll see, the war.




Our chief ally in combating UnBalancer is Balancer.

Balancer is the internal stabilizer that handles day-to-day stresses. It keeps us sane and balanced most of the time and, for the most part, holds UnBalancer at bay.

Emphasis on “for the most part.” When Balancer falls, things can get wonky fast.




Fortunately, Balancer is not our only ally.

Balancer’s trusty sidekick, ReBalancer, leaps into action when UnBalancer gets the upper hand.

ReBalancer is a good friend to have in a crisis.


Balanced/UnBalanced/ReBalanced Cycle

Here’s how these folks work to keep us sane:


1. Balancer works in the background to maintain our equilibrium.
2. UnBalancer trips us up!
3. ReBalancer comes to the rescue.
4. A stronger, wiser Balancer keeps us stable again.

That’s the cast. Stay tuned to catch them in action!

– David

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Paths to Wholeness: Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas
52 (more) Flower Mandalas: An Adult Coloring Book for Inspiration and Stress Relief
52 Flower Mandalas: An Adult Coloring Book for Inspiration and Stress Relief
Paths to Wholeness: Selections (free eBook)

Copyright 2017, David J. Bookbinder

4 thoughts on “
The Cast of Characters

  1. I like the rendering of the characters although I wonder if the unbalancer is a totally evil character as depicted. Perhaps there are situations that need the unbalancer if perhaps we’re in a rut (maybe that happens via the balancer). In any case, it looks like you have a good cast at hand for your book.

    1. Thanks for the comment, Irving. You are right about the need for UnBalancer sometimes, and I do deal with that in the book, though I haven’t written about that here. There’s a reason most of the world’s religions have both a creator and a destroyer. Sometimes, to change paths, the old bridges really do have to be burned.

  2. Love the depiction of the mini-journey and happy ending of the comic strip, interplay of the cast so expressive. Congratulations to you DJB on your upcoming book and the seamless illustrator/writer collaboration. Creativity at its finest!

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