Video: A Mini Lesson in Mini Self-Care

For most of us, the best place to start rebalancing is with what we already know.

Whether UnBalancer has knocked us down with a sudden blow, worn us down with stress, or beaten us down with our demons, taking an inventory of tactics and activities that have helped us before, and then incorporating them back into our routine, is easier, quicker, and usually more efficient than learning entirely new strategies.

“But how can I do that,” you might ask, “if I’m already too busy, too depressed, too stressed, too distracted, and so on, to take on one more thing?”

The answer is mini self-care.

Find out how to create your own mini self-care plan by clicking here or clicking the thumbnail below.

To be continued –


Copyright 2021, David J. Bookbinder 

The Art of Balance: Staying Sane in an Insane World
Paths to Wholeness: Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas

Online Courses:
Mastering the Art of Balance: Stay Sane in an Insane World
Art of Balance Basic Training: Stay Sane in an Insane World

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