
The new Internet address for this blog is: ...... and the new name is "The Art of Balance: Stay Sane in an Insane World."

This move reflects a change not only in name, but also in focus.

At a conference called Creativity and Madness in Santa Fe, New Mexico, I recently presented some of the concepts in my little book The Art of Balance: Staying Sane in an Insane World. I realized, as I was on stage talking to about 400 colleagues, that my talk was different from the others I'd heard.

Other presenters talked about the interplay of mental illness and creativity in specific well-known artists and composers, or they presented their take on a particular type of counseling.

I was presenting a new theory of counseling. And over the next few days, a lot of people came up to me to let me know how interested they were in what I had to say.

So, I'm going with it.

Moving forward, the main focus of this blog and its related email list will be on the tools, techniques, self-help strategies, and counseling theory I outline in The Art of Balance. I'll also post previews of a forthcoming online course and YouTube channel.

From time to time, you'll still see posts on other topics. But, in the spirit of transformation that this blog has always been about, the focus of the blog itself has transformed.

I hope you'll stick with me for the ride!

See you in cyberspace,


4 thoughts on “

  1. So happy to have been a part of this shift!your presentation was truly a world apart from the others! Looking forward to hearing more!

  2. Congratulations on your new endeavor with your writing/ therapy career. I’ll be waiting patiently to read about it. I wish you success. Thanks for letting me know about this change in your life. Going with the flow sounds good.

  3. Congratulations David on your exciting moves in cyberspace and headspace. Your concept of the interplay between Balancer, Unbalancer, and Rebalancer as factors in the quality of therapy and life is innovative and useful. Even my spelchek hasn’t caught up with the last two terms — you have invented two important words that will make a difference.

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